Términos y condiciones
Last update: October 26th, 2018 (content only available in English).
These Terms and Conditions apply to the contracting of any health plans (the “Plans”) and/or, if applicable, any product or service commercialized by BIOPROGNOS, S.L. under the trademark “BIOPROGNOS” through the website hosted at www.bioprognos.com (the “Website”) to any of its users (the “Client/s”).
BIOPROGNOS Plans and products or services are addressed to health and healthcare professionals older than 18 years old. Therefore, by contracting BIOPROGNOS Plans and/or, if applicable, any products or services you declare that you are over 18 years old and that you are aware that you are banned from using the Website if you are under 18 years old. BIOPROGNOS reserves the option to request, at any time, documentation evidencing users’ age. In the event the Client does not attend BIOPROGNOS’ request properly, BIOPROGNOS will ban him/her the use and/or access to the Website.
The acquisition of BIOPROGNOS’ Plans and/or products or services implies the full acceptance of the terms and conditions set forth in these Terms and Conditions. You are therefore advised to read carefully their content before contracting BIOPROGNOS Plans and/or products or services as it is the liability of Client to peruse the Terms and Conditions before acquiring his/her Plan/product or service. Should you not accept these Terms and Conditions, the acquisition of BIOPROGNOS’ Plans and/or products or services will not take place and, as a consequence thereof, BIOPROGNOS will not assume any kind of obligation or liability.
To make any order of BIOPROGNOS’ Plans and/or products or services it shall be necessary to follow the contracting procedure set forth in the Website.
BIOPROGNOS reserves the right to modify the content and/or scope of the Terms and Conditions at any moment, without any need to notify or advise in advance.
If a Client infringes the Terms and Conditions, the Privacy Policy and Cookies Policy and/or any other terms and conditions set forth in the Website, BIOPROGNOS reserves the right to restrict, suspend and/or exclude the access to the Website, adopting any necessary measure to these effects.
Use of medical information and liability
The Multiple Biomarkers Disease Activity Algorithms (MBDAA) have been developed for the exclusive use by healthcare professionals and solely as a Clinical Decision Support System (CDSS), not as a unique element of diagnosis.
BIOPROGNOS assumes no liability regarding the use by the Client of any information obtained through the Website or for any aspect of healthcare managed or not managed by healthcare professionals with the assistance of the information obtained through BIOPROGNOS Plans, products or services and/or the Website.
BIOPROGNOS has invested its maximum effort to ensure that the contents offered through the Website are updated and correct.
The healthcare professionals using the information provided in the Website are liable to fulfil all the requirements related to the exercise of their work and to apply their professional criteria when using the information for the care of their own patients.
Guarantee over BIOPROGNOS services or products acquired through the Website shall be the one foreseen by the law in force and, as the case may be, by the terms and conditions of the commercial guarantee additionally offered to the Client.
Personal Data Protection Confidentiality
According to the law currently in force regarding Client’s personal data provided during the contracting procedure, the Privacy Policy and Cookies Policy shall apply.
Personal data of the Clients are completely confidential and BIOPROGNOS is fully committed to its protection and preservation.
Complaints and claims
Client shall contact BIOPROGNOS, through the means indicated at the end of these Terms and Conditions, to lodge complaints and claims. BIOPROGNOS undertakes to attend them as soon as possible and, in any event, no later than one month after being submitted.
Should any clause in these Terms and Conditions be declared totally or partially invalid or ineffective, such invalidity or ineffectiveness will only affect that provision or part thereof which is null or void, and the rest shall remain in force in all other respects, the provision or part thereof that is affected being deemed non-existent.
Accordingly, only the invalid or ineffective provision of the Terms and Conditions shall cease to be valid, and no other part or provision shall be annulled, invalidated or adversely or otherwise affected by such invalidity or ineffectiveness, unless, due to it being essential to the purpose hereto, it unavoidably affects the Terms and Conditions as a whole.
These Terms and Conditions are written in several languages. In case of discrepancies between such versions, the Spanish version shall prevail.
Applicable Law and Jurisdiction
The Terms and Conditions shall be governed and interpreted in accordance with Spanish Law.
In the event of any conflict or discrepancy in the interpretation and/or execution of the Terms and Conditions, the competent Courts shall be the one set forth by applicable consumers Law.
For any doubt or query, you can contact BIOPROGNOS by sending an email to [email protected].